Storage Migration
The storage migration plugin can be used to migrate all data from one existing RxStorage into another. This is useful when:
- You want to migration from one RxStorage to another one.
- You want to migrate to a new major RxDB version while keeping the previous saved data. This function only works from the previous major version upwards. Do not use it to migrate like rxdb v9 to v14.
The storage migration drops deleted documents and filters them out during the migration.
When you migrate between storages, you might want to change the schema in the same process. You should never do that because it will lead to problems afterwards and might make your database in usable.
When you also want to change your schema, first run the storage migration and afterwards run a normal schema migration.
Lets say you want to migrate from Dexie.js RxStorage to IndexedDB.
import { migrateStorage } from 'rxdb/plugins/migration-storage';
import { getRxStorageIndexedDB } from 'rxdb-premium/plugins/storage-indexeddb';
import { getRxStorageDexie } from 'rxdb-old/plugins/storage-dexie';
// create the new RxDatabase
const db = await createRxDatabase({
name: dbLocation,
storage: getRxStorageDexie(),
multiInstance: false
await migrateStorage({
database: db as any,
* Name of the old database,
* using the storage migration requires that the
* new database has a different name.
oldDatabaseName: 'myOldDatabaseName',
oldStorage: getRxStorageIndexedDB(), // RxStorage of the old database
batchSize: 500, // batch size
parallel: false, // <- true if it should migrate all collections in parallel. False (default) if should migrate in serial
afterMigrateBatch: (input: AfterMigrateBatchHandlerInput) => {
console.log('storage migration: batch processed');
Migrate from a previous RxDB major version​
To migrate from a previous RxDB major version, you have to install the 'old' RxDB in the package.json
"dependencies": {
"rxdb-old": "npm:rxdb@14.17.1",
The you can run the migration by providing the old storage:
/* ... */
import { migrateStorage } from 'rxdb/plugins/migration-storage';
import { getRxStorageDexie } from 'rxdb-old/plugins/storage-dexie'; // <- import from the old RxDB version
await migrateStorage({
database: db as any,
* Name of the old database,
* using the storage migration requires that the
* new database has a different name.
oldDatabaseName: 'myOldDatabaseName',
oldStorage: getRxStorageDexie(), // RxStorage of the old database
batchSize: 500, // batch size
parallel: false,
afterMigrateBatch: (input: AfterMigrateBatchHandlerInput) => {
console.log('storage migration: batch processed');
/* ... */
Disable Version Check on RxDB Premium 👑​
RxDB Premium has a check in place that ensures that you do not accidentally use the wrong RxDB core and 👑 Premium version together which could break your database state.
This can be a problem during migrations where you have multiple versions of RxDB in use and it will throw the error Version mismatch detected
You can disable that check by importing and running the disableVersionCheck()
function from RxDB Premium.
// RxDB Premium v15 or newer:
import {
} from 'rxdb-premium-old/plugins/shared';
// RxDB Premium v14:
// for esm
import {
} from 'rxdb-premium-old/dist/es/shared/version-check.js';
// for cjs
import {
} from 'rxdb-premium-old/dist/lib/shared/version-check.js';