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Using RxDB with TypeScript

In this tutorial you will learn how to use RxDB with TypeScript. We will create a basic database with one collection and several ORM-methods, fully typed!

RxDB directly comes with its typings and you do not have to install anything else, however the latest version of RxDB requires that you are using Typescript v3.8 or newer. Our way to go is

  • First define what the documents look like
  • Then define what the collections look like
  • Then define what the database looks like

Declare the types​

First you import the types from RxDB.

import {
} from 'rxdb/plugins/core';

Create the base document type​

First we have to define the TypeScript type of the documents of a collection:

Option A: Create the document type from the schema

import {
} from 'rxdb';
export const heroSchemaLiteral = {
title: 'hero schema',
description: 'describes a human being',
version: 0,
keyCompression: true,
primaryKey: 'passportId',
type: 'object',
properties: {
passportId: {
type: 'string',
maxLength: 100 // <- the primary key must have set maxLength
firstName: {
type: 'string'
lastName: {
type: 'string'
age: {
type: 'integer'
required: ['firstName', 'lastName', 'passportId'],
indexes: ['firstName']
} as const; // <- It is important to set 'as const' to preserve the literal type
const schemaTyped = toTypedRxJsonSchema(heroSchemaLiteral);

// aggregate the document type from the schema
export type HeroDocType = ExtractDocumentTypeFromTypedRxJsonSchema<typeof schemaTyped>;

// create the typed RxJsonSchema from the literal typed object.
export const heroSchema: RxJsonSchema<HeroDocType> = heroSchemaLiteral;

Option B: Manually type the document type

export type HeroDocType = {
passportId: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
age?: number; // optional

Option C: Generate the document type from schema during build time

If your schema is in a .json file or generated from somewhere else, you might generate the typings with the json-schema-to-typescript module.


Types for the ORM methods​

We also add some ORM-methods for the document.

export type HeroDocMethods = {
scream: (v: string) => string;

Create RxDocument Type​

We can merge these into our HeroDocument.

export type HeroDocument = RxDocument<HeroDocType, HeroDocMethods>;

Create RxCollection Type​

Now we can define type for the collection which contains the documents.

// we declare one static ORM-method for the collection
export type HeroCollectionMethods = {
countAllDocuments: () => Promise<number>;

// and then merge all our types
export type HeroCollection = RxCollection<

Create RxDatabase Type​

Before we can define the database, we make a helper-type which contains all collections of it.

export type MyDatabaseCollections = {
heroes: HeroCollection

Now the database.

export type MyDatabase = RxDatabase<MyDatabaseCollections>;

Using the types​

Now that we have declare all our types, we can use them.

* create database and collections
const myDatabase: MyDatabase = await createRxDatabase<MyDatabaseCollections>({
name: 'mydb',
storage: getRxStorageDexie()

const heroSchema: RxJsonSchema<HeroDocType> = {
title: 'human schema',
description: 'describes a human being',
version: 0,
keyCompression: true,
primaryKey: 'passportId',
type: 'object',
properties: {
passportId: {
type: 'string'
firstName: {
type: 'string'
lastName: {
type: 'string'
age: {
type: 'integer'
required: ['passportId', 'firstName', 'lastName']

const heroDocMethods: HeroDocMethods = {
scream: function(this: HeroDocument, what: string) {
return this.firstName + ' screams: ' + what.toUpperCase();

const heroCollectionMethods: HeroCollectionMethods = {
countAllDocuments: async function(this: HeroCollection) {
const allDocs = await this.find().exec();
return allDocs.length;

await myDatabase.addCollections({
heroes: {
schema: heroSchema,
methods: heroDocMethods,
statics: heroCollectionMethods

// add a postInsert-hook
function myPostInsertHook(
this: HeroCollection, // own collection is bound to the scope
docData: HeroDocType, // documents data
doc: HeroDocument // RxDocument
) {
console.log('insert to ' + + '-collection: ' + doc.firstName);
false // not async

* use the database

// insert a document
const hero: HeroDocument = await myDatabase.heroes.insert({
passportId: 'myId',
firstName: 'piotr',
lastName: 'potter',
age: 5

// access a property

// use a orm method

// use a static orm method from the collection
const amount: number = await myDatabase.heroes.countAllDocuments();

* clean up

Known Problems​

RxDB uses the WeakRef API. If your typescript bundler throws the error TS2304: Cannot find name 'WeakRef', you have to add ES2021.WeakRef to compilerOptions.lib in your tsconfig.json.

"compilerOptions": {
"lib": ["ES2020", "ES2021.WeakRef"]