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Dev Mode

The dev-mode plugin adds many checks and validations to RxDB. This ensures that you use the RxDB API properly and so the dev-mode plugin should always be used when using RxDB in development mode.

  • Adds readable error messages.
  • Ensures that readonly JavaScript objects are not accidentally mutated.
  • Adds validation check for validity of schemas, queries, ORM methods and document fields.
    • Notice that the dev-mode plugin does not perform schema checks against the data see schema validation for that.

The dev-mode plugin will increase your build size and decrease the performance. It must always be used in development. You should never use it in production.

import { addRxPlugin } from 'rxdb';
import { RxDBDevModePlugin } from 'rxdb/plugins/dev-mode';

Usage with Node.js​

async function createDb() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
await import('rxdb/plugins/dev-mode').then(
module => addRxPlugin(module.RxDBDevModePlugin)
const db = createRxDatabase( /* ... */ );

Usage with Angular​

import { isDevMode } from '@angular/core';

async function createDb() {
if (isDevMode()){
await import('rxdb/plugins/dev-mode').then(
module => addRxPlugin(module.RxDBDevModePlugin)

const db = createRxDatabase( /* ... */ );
// ...

Usage with webpack​

In the webpack.config.js:

module.exports = {
entry: './src/index.ts',
/* ... */
plugins: [
// set a global variable that can be accessed during runtime
new webpack.DefinePlugin({ MODE: JSON.stringify("production") })
/* ... */

In your source code:

declare var MODE: 'production' | 'development';

async function createDb() {
if (MODE === 'development') {
await import('rxdb/plugins/dev-mode').then(
module => addRxPlugin(module.RxDBDevModePlugin)
const db = createRxDatabase( /* ... */ );
// ...

Disable the dev-mode warning​

When the dev-mode is enabled, it will print a console.warn() message to the console so that you do not accidentally use the dev-mode in production. To disable this warning you can call the disableWarnings() function.

import { disableWarnings } from 'rxdb/plugins/dev-mode';