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SharedWorker RxStorage

The SharedWorker RxStorage uses the SharedWorker API to run the storage inside of a separate JavaScript process in browsers. Compared to a normal WebWorker, the SharedWorker is created exactly once, even when there are multiple browser tabs opened. Because of having exactly one worker, multiple performance optimizations can be done because the storage itself does not have to handle multiple opened database connections.


This plugin is part of RxDB Premium 👑. It is not part of the default RxDB module.


On the SharedWorker process​

In the worker process JavaScript file, you have wrap the original RxStorage with getRxStorageIndexedDB().

// shared-worker.ts

import { exposeWorkerRxStorage } from 'rxdb-premium/plugins/storage-worker';
import {
} from 'rxdb-premium/plugins/indexeddb';

* You can wrap any implementation of the RxStorage interface
* into a worker.
* Here we use the IndexedDB RxStorage.
storage: getRxStorageIndexedDB()

On the main process​

import {
} from 'rxdb';
import { getRxStorageSharedWorker } from 'rxdb-premium/plugins/storage-worker';
import { getRxStorageIndexedDB } from 'rxdb/plugins/storage-indexeddb';

const database = await createRxDatabase({
name: 'mydatabase',
storage: getRxStorageSharedWorker(
* Contains any value that can be used as parameter
* to the SharedWorker constructor of thread.js
* Most likely you want to put the path to the shared-worker.js file in here.
* @link
workerInput: 'path/to/shared-worker.js',
* (Optional) options
* for the worker.
workerOptions: {
type: 'module',
credentials: 'omit'

Pre-build workers​

The shared-worker.js must be a self containing JavaScript file that contains all dependencies in a bundle. To make it easier for you, RxDB ships with pre-bundles worker files that are ready to use. You can find them in the folder node_modules/rxdb-premium/dist/workers after you have installed the RxDB Premium 👑 Plugin. From there you can copy them to a location where it can be served from the webserver and then use their path to create the RxDatabase

Any valid worker.js JavaScript file can be used both, for normal Workers and SharedWorkers.

import {
} from 'rxdb';
import { getRxStorageSharedWorker } from 'rxdb-premium/plugins/storage-worker';
const database = await createRxDatabase({
name: 'mydatabase',
storage: getRxStorageSharedWorker(
* Path to where the copied file from node_modules/rxdb-premium/dist/workers
* is reachable from the webserver.
workerInput: '/indexeddb.shared-worker.js'

Building a custom worker​

To build a custom worker.js file, check out the webpack config at the worker documentation. Any worker file form the worker storage can also be used in a shared worker because exposeWorkerRxStorage detects where it runs and exposes the correct messaging endpoints.

Passing in a SharedWorker instance​

Instead of setting an url as workerInput, you can also specify a function that returns a new SharedWorker instance when called. This is mostly used when you have a custom worker file and dynamically import it. This works equal to the workerInput of the Worker Storage

Set multiInstance: false​

When you know that you only ever create your RxDatabase inside of the shared worker, you might want to set multiInstance: false to prevent sending change events across JavaScript realms and to improve performance. Do not set this when you also create the same storage on another realm, like when you have the same RxDatabase once inside the shared worker and once on the main thread.

Replication with SharedWorker​

When a SharedWorker RxStorage is used, it is recommended to run the replication inside of the worker. This is the best option for performance. You can do that by opening another RxDatabase inside of it and starting the replication there. If you are not concerned about performance, you can still start replication on the main thread instead. But you should never run replication on both the main thread and the worker.

// shared-worker.ts

import { exposeWorkerRxStorage } from 'rxdb-premium/plugins/storage-worker';
import {
} from 'rxdb-premium/plugins/storage-indexeddb';
import {
} from 'rxdb';
import {
} from 'rxdb/plugins/replication-graphql';

const baseStorage = getRxStorageIndexedDB();

// first expose the RxStorage to the outside
storage: baseStorage

* Then create a normal RxDatabase and RxCollections
* and start the replication.
const database = await createRxDatabase({
name: 'mydatabase',
storage: baseStorage
await db.addCollections({
humans: {/* ... */}
const replicationState = db.humans.syncGraphQL({/* ... */});



Can I use this plugin with a Service Worker?

No. A Service Worker is not the same as a Shared Worker. While you can use RxDB inside of a ServiceWorker, you cannot use the ServiceWorker as a RxStorage that gets accessed by an outside RxDatabase instance.
